
Showing posts from September, 2020

Whopper Swan Coming in for a Landing.


Maps Mania: 14 Billion Miles from Earth

Maps Mania: 14 Billion Miles from Earth : Yesterday Voyager 1 passed a distance of 14 billion miles from Earth. Voyager 1 was launched into space on September 5, 1977. Its missio...

Rage - Bob Woodward

 <a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Rage" src="" /></a><a href="">Rage</a> by <a href="">Bob Woodward</a><br/> My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br /> A well-documented book that provides insight into the President that other books do not provide. I attribute this to two facets one does not find in other Trump books: Presidential access and access to primary sources. In most instances, there are direct words from the sources. Many of us have a firm belief the President is not up to the job o...

Voyager: Inside the world's greatest space mission


How Neptune’s Triton Destroyed Nearly All Of Its Moons

  How Neptune’s Triton Destroyed Nearly All Of Its Moons The largest moon around our last planet didn’t originate with Neptune.

Neptune & Triton – August 31, 1989.

  Image-processor extraordinaire Kevin Gill has reached back in time to give us a new image of Neptune and its moon Triton. When NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flew past Neptune and Triton in August 1989, its cameras were very busy. Kevin has taken separate color-filtered images from that visit and calibrated and combined them to give us a new, almost haunting look at the planet and its largest moon. #Astronomy

The Biggest Crater Known Was From an Asteroid That Made the Dinosaur Killer Look Like a Pebble

B illions of years ago, Jupiter's planet-sized moon Ganymede  got a helluva whack : Looking over data from probes that have visited the moon,  scientists estimate  it got hit by an object a staggering 300 kilometers wide.  #Astronomy

Fallen Boulder at the Grand Canyon Reveals Prehistoric Reptile Footprints

  Fallen Boulder at the Grand Canyon Reveals Prehistoric Reptile Footprints 313 million years ago, two reptilian creatures crept over this boulder’s surface  #Archaeology

The Little-Known Role of Slavery in Viking Society